I am a Career Therapist/Strategist for ambitious black women leaders who want to pivot. I work with them to put down the things making work hard.

It’s time to drop the masks and overwhelm to discover peace filled success.

If you’re looking for direction in your career in the short term and long term , want to get the most out of your career & performance.

Hey, I’m Marlana Baylis and I help you strategically see your potential with clear direction, unlocked confidence and a powerful plan.

Are you feeling stuck and overwhelmed, unsure how to advance your career & life?

Are you seeking better career decisions, moves and opportunities?

I’ve been there sis, feeling like you are not where you envision. After 12 years in the corporate space, Four years as a certified coach my purpose is to support other powerful women to recognize their strengths, remove the internal blocks that inhibit taking the steps to enjoy your work & life authentically!

It’s time to invest in you at a higher level and unlock your true potential today!

“Marlana shared her insights, experiences, and expertise on the many ways we can champion a workplace culture that is continually more diverse and inclusive”

— Weber Grill- Women ERG

I had a wonderful experience working with Marlana. Her coaching style is engaging, actionable, and personal, and she held me accountable to my goals. Marlana helped me identify my personal values and how they apply to my work, and challenged me to think about my long-term growth
— Kim- Product Manager

Prior Speaking & Coaching Clients At


 You can achieve balanced success with the

right guidance on your journey.

You’ve struggled with taking your career to the next level. You know you should be in a higher position, but you haven’t been able to land the roles that will get you there. You have the skills, experiences and education to add value at a higher level.
Right now the internet is crawling with Career Coaches telling you what is possible. You need direction on how to make it happen for yourself.
I’m going to share my truth with you.
Leading and landing new opportunities take confidence and connection.
You are missing out on the right opportunities because you don’t believe in your own magic.

At the end of the day, you’ve stayed too long in a job that doesn’t match what you bring to the table.

On Spotify and Apple Podcasts : Take Up Space, Sis

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Increase Your Peace For 2021

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Work For Yourself And Your Employer

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6 Lessons to Win At Work

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