
Hey! I’m Marlana.

I’m a career success coach and the founder of Strategic Shift Coaching & Consulting. Through vlog posts, weekly emails, and 1:1 coaching, I’m here to guide you towards meaningful work so you achieve success you feel good about.

My mission is to help you define and attain work you love so accomplish your goals.

I Guide You Through


Creating a Bold Vision

We get what we expect. I work with you to get clear on the right goals that will move you towards your vision.

Breaking It Down

We will extract all of the steps to meet your goal and work on who you need to be to prioritize them.

Accomplishing Your Goals

I will also coach you on what I see showing up in our sessions as we work to build and execute the plan. 


My Story

I know how hard it can be to create an authentic career. As a driven, black woman once obsessed with climbing the corporate ladder. I put a lot of pressure to achieve success defined by everyone else’s standards, without ever stopping to ask myself what I really wanted to do.

I spent years wrestling with paving my own path because I felt handcuffed to a job that paid well, that I hated. I held myself back from stepping outside the box of what I had defined as success.

My health began to decline in 2017 and I was forced to have a hysterectomy in 2018. All of this at age thirty four and I knew it meant it was time for a change! I began to work on being honest with my unhappiness and building the courage to truly define my life.


Since focusing on work that would make me happy, I’ve trained as a Co-Active Coach, I’ve completed my certification program and launched my company. I’ve been interviewed on a national radio program, hired by the University of Michigan and coached clients to honor themselves by choosing work that fulfills them.

As a woman who understands what it’s like for everyone to think you have it all while you’re falling apart inside, I will tell you, you have the power to define & create success on your terms.

That’s why I provide resources and content here on to help you find the courage to create a career that makes you smile. I am here to guide you on the journey of transformation as you grant yourself permission to do work that lights you up!

If you want some career clarity right now. Check out Career Tips!

What People Are Saying


“I thoroughly enjoyed my session with Marlana. I found her style and technique to be very informative, thought provoking and engaging. She listens and assesses the situation with professionalism. I gained insights, I recommend you give her a call.”


Thank you for being my guiding light, for encouraging me, and for making me believe in all my talents and gift. You helped me realize what I need to do to be successful not only in my career but also in life. As I have stated to you before, being a coach was definitely your calling and a gift from God. I’m now excited for all my new adventures and possibilities thanks to you. 



I was fortunate enough to have her empower me to stop waiting and pursue new directions with courage and belief. Be ready for great things to happen.!


I was in the midst of a difficult transition. Now I have the energy to think clearly about what I want and who I will be no matter the circumstances.


Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.